Monday, January 11, 2010

Huge Blessings!!!!

Huge blessings from the Lord. I was so excited about this that I decided to write a post about it. I thought I had my last semester at Pulaski Tech all planned out. Well unfortunately I didn't. I had been trying to get into a Microbiology since registration opened but all classes filled up immediately. I would check from time to time but nothing ever came up. And on top of that, there was only one class that would fit into my work schedule. I kept "thinking" that something would happen and there would an open seat. Well it got down to the last week and still... nothing. I also needed to get an approval from the Vice President of the college (Mr. Henderson) to take six classes. I never figured that this would be a big deal. Unfortunately it was. I called the school and all I got was answering machines for two days. I somehow got ahold the Vice President's assistant. At this point I thought I would have to wait a whole extra year to graudate. She told me that I was 0.3 points shy from what I had to have to get approved for an override.I thought, "oh Lord what am I going to do?" A day or so passes and I finally heard back from Mr Henderson and the Lord worked everything out in my favor!!! He got me approved and into a Microbiology class. And He even got me in the class that fit into my work schedule. After I found this out I just began to cry.... No matter how big or small our problems see, they are all special and equal in His eyes. Nothing, and I repeat nothing is impossible for God. He is so Good! 2010 has been an amazing year so far and I can't wait to see what else he has in store for the Matlocks.

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